SCiP Mission

SCiP Mission

The Society for Computers in Psychology is a non-profit organization of researchers interested in applications of computers in psychology. Its primary purpose is to “increase and diffuse knowledge of the use of computers in psychological research.” Over the past several years the organization has set a special goal of aiding psychologists in using microcomputers in their teaching and research. We have also encouraged consideration of the psychological aspects of hardware and software development and design. Membership is open to any person who has an academic degree and who is active in scientific applications of computers to psychological research.
Recent Web Links
· All Psychology Schools
· G IQ Test
· CyberTime Communications: Computers
· Standards for Internet-based experimenting
· Dimensions of Internet Science
· :: web experiment list ::
· Curt Burgess
· Peter Foltz
2003-2004 SCiP Officers and Steering Committee
Posted by: Admin on Friday, March 05, 2004 – 03:15 PM
President: Robert Proctor
President-Elect: Christopher Wolfe
Secretary-Treasurer: Katja Wiemer-Hastings

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SCiP 2004 Call for Papers
Posted by: Admin on Thursday, February 26, 2004 – 12:29 AM